Protection of Personal data

At Tele Dynamics Global Com, we are committed to respecting your personal data and are recognizing the protection of your personal data as the foundation for our business activities and our social responsibility. Given the rapid development of the Internet and other information technologies in recent years, as well as the growing social demands for protecting personal data, Tele Dynamics Global Com has adopted the Privacy Policy for the handling of personal data.

Request to Visitors to and Users of Our Web Site

Tele Dynamics Global Com is not responsible for the security of your personal data on other Web sites that are linked to our Web site. We recommend that you carefully examine the privacy policies, privacy statements or the like whatever named, to ensure the security of your personal data. If a site does not include a privacy policy or the like, you may wish to directly contact the site administrator to confirm the site’s privacy practices.

Privacy Policy

Tele Dynamics Global Com will observe the following privacy policy in its business activities, while recognizing the value and usefulness of personal data.

  1. Compliance with laws and regulations
    Tele Dynamics Global Com will comply with all laws and regulations related to personal data.
  2. Specification of use
    Whenever Tele Dynamics Global Com asks for personal information, it will specify in advance the purposes for which such information will be used, and will restrict the use to those purposes. If Tele Dynamics Global Com should ever need to use personal data for purposes other than those specified, it shall inform the individuals concerned of the additional purposes. Any individual may refuse to have personal data used for such additional purposes. Individuals who do not wish to provide Tele Dynamics Global Com with personal data can withhold consent, though doing so may prevent access to certain services that Tele Dynamics Global Com provides.
  3. Non-disclosure to third parties
    In principle, Tele Dynamics Global Com does not disclose or provide personal data to third parties, except in the following circumstances.
  • When express consent to do so is received from the person concerned.
  • When an inquiry concerning a product or service can be more appropriately handled by a Tele Dynamics Global Com subsidiary or affiliate which is responsible for that product or service.
  • When Tele Dynamics Global Com consigns such activities as promotional campaigns or competitions to other entities, in which case personal data is covered by the terms of a non-disclosure agreement.
  • When it is necessary to complete the settlement of payment for products ordered or services provided (e.g. providing information to financial institutions to facilitate credit card transactions, etc.)
  • When a judicial order or the like obliges Tele Dynamics Global Com to disclose personal date.
  • When business is transferred to another entity by way of a merger, corporate separation or otherwise.
  • Inquiries
    Individuals who wish to confirm their personal data should contact the section responsible for the services where they input the information. Tele Dynamics Global Com will provide the personal data that it has when it has confirmed that the individual making the inquiry is the person concerned. This restriction applies to prevent leakage of personal data to third parties. When personal data contains errors or needs to be updated, Tele Dynamics Global Com will make the required changes, when it has confirmed that the individual making the request is the person concerned. This restriction applies to prevent improper alteration of personal data by third parties.
  1. Security measures
    Tele Dynamics Global Com implements strict security measures to ensure that personal data is not improperly accessed, leaked, lost, destroyed or dishonestly altered.
  2. Implementation of the Privacy Policy
    Tele Dynamics Global Com will diligently implement the Privacy Policy and will continuously review it for improvement.

Intended Use of Personal Data

When Tele Dynamics Global Com obtains personal data from customers, Tele Dynamics Global Com clearly indicates in advance the purpose for which the personal data are intended to be used and uses the information within the scope of the stated purpose of use. When the need to use a customer’s personal data for any purpose that goes beyond the stated purpose of use arises, Tele Dynamics Global Com notifies the customer to that effect and obtain the consent before using the information for such purpose.

Procedures for Requests for Disclosure

Tele Dynamics Global Com complies with the following requests from customers concerning the customer’s personal data held by Tele Dynamics Global Com:

  • Request for disclosure;
  • Request for notification of the intended purpose;
  • Request for correction;
  • Request for addition;
  • Request for deletion; and
  • Request for cessation of use or cessation of disclosing to third parties.
    Please refer to Procedures concerning Requests for Disclosure for request forms (in writing) and other details.

Please note that there is a fee charged for requests for disclosure and requests for notification of the intended use.

Inquiries Concerning Personal Data

  1. Customers should direct inquiries concerning their personal data to the business group with which they have registered the information (in the case of a website, with the organization administering the site).
  2. Inquiries about the Personal Data Protection Policy in general or inquiries when the point of contact is unclear should be directed to Human Resource division.

Other Matters

  1. This Personal Data Protection Policy applies to personal data held by Tele Dynamics Global in Malaysia.
  2. Please note that some services provided by Tele Dynamics Global Com (including services offered on websites operated by Tele Dynamics Global Com) may not be available if the customer does not provide personal data.
  3. Children under 16 years should provide personal data only after obtaining the consent of a parent or guardian.
  4. Tele Dynamics Global Com may record telephone calls received at customer information centres and elsewhere to ensure that we listen attentively to comments or requests from customers.
  5. Tele Dynamics Global Com uses cookies and web beacons to provide better services on our websites. For details, please refer to Use of Cookies, Web Beacons and Other Technologies.
  6. Tele Dynamics Global Com disclaim any responsibility for the security of customers’ personal data used on third parties’ websites that are linked to Tele Dynamics Global Com websites.
  7. Tele Dynamics Global Com provides information on important changes and notices on this page. Please refer to Information.
  8. From time to time Tele Dynamics Global Com may revise the Personal Data Protection Policy to better protect customers’ personal data or to comply with changes in the applicable laws and regulations.

Click here to learn more on Terms & Conditions

C-G-09, Jalan PJU 1A/41B Pusat Dagangan NZX, Ara Damansara, 47301 Petaling Jaya, Selangor , Malaysia.

+603-7966 1888

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